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You can't. Sojourner Truth was a person by that name so it has to be a proper noun.

The noun 'sojourner' is a common noun as a general word for someone who stays in a place for a short time and moves on.

The noun 'truth' is a common noun as a general word for what is believed to be reality, fact, or actuality.

Example sentence for the common nouns:

"I met a sojourner at Denton who tried always to tell the truth."

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5mo ago

When referring to someone who speaks bravely and honestly, you could say, "She is a real Sojourner Truth." This means the person is candid and bold, similar to how Sojourner Truth was known for her powerful speeches advocating for social justice.

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What is a common noun for Sojourner Truth?

Some common nouns for the proper noun Sojourner Truth are:personwomanslaveactivistheroineabolitionistactivist

Is Sojourner Truth a common noun or proper noun?

Common noun because it is so who cares Hi

How do you use Sojourner Truth as a common noun?

Some common nouns for the proper noun 'Sojourner Truth' are:womanmotherabolitionistactivistslavehuman beingA noun is used as the subject of a sentence or clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.

Is the word sojourner a proper or common noun?

The word "sojourner" can be both a proper or common noun. It is a proper noun when it refers to a specific individual or group, such as the famous abolitionist Sojourner Truth. It can also be a common noun when it is used in a general sense to describe someone who is residing temporarily in a place.

What is a common for Sojourner Truth?

Some common nouns for the proper noun Sojourner Truth are:personwomanslaveactivistheroineabolitionistactivist

What is the proper abstract noun for the proper common noun of slave?

The proper abstract noun for the common noun "slave" is enslavement.

Compound noun Sojourner Truth was a former slave who traveled throughout New England and the Midwest speaking out against slavery?

In this sentence, New England is the compound noun.

Is the word truth a common noun?

Yes, the word truth is a common noun; a genera word for the real facts about something; a word for any truth about anything.A common noun becomes a proper noun when it is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title; for example:Sojourner TruthTruth or Consequences, NMThe Truth in Lending Act (TILA) of 1968

Is truth a proper noun?

No. A proper noun is an official name, place, or organization in which you would capitalize the name (For example, the name Stephen, the place of New York, or the organization of the European Union). Truth is a regular noun, meaning it is not capitalized.

What type of noun is truth?

The noun 'truth' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the quality or state of being true; something is true based on with fact or reality.

Is truth an abstract noun or common noun?

No, both the words 'true' and 'truthful' are adjectives, words used to describe nouns (a true story, truthfultestimony).The abstract noun related to the adjective 'true' is truth.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'truthful' is truthfulness.

Are apples a common noun?

No, it is a plural noun. The common noun would be apple.