Classroom in Punjabi language is written as ਕਲਾਸਰੂਮ.
To promote the Punjabi language, steps can include introducing Punjabi language courses in schools, universities, and language institutes, organizing cultural events and festivals that celebrate Punjabi language and heritage, creating online resources and apps for learning Punjabi, and supporting Punjabi language media such as newspapers, radio, and television. It is also important to encourage the use of Punjabi in official communications and public settings.
Sitafal is called "Sugar Phael" in Punjabi language.
In Punjabi language, you would say "nawāṉnvi" for 89.
Mother in Punjabi language is "mata ji" or "maa ji".
the punjabi language is over 10 000 years old. it was first originated by hindus but later was conceived by is now spoken worldwide and is a very srong language!
obviously Punjabi language is in progress.
Classroom in Punjabi language is written as ਕਲਾਸਰੂਮ.
You can not change language to Punjabi because Photoshop currently do not support that language.
To promote the Punjabi language, steps can include introducing Punjabi language courses in schools, universities, and language institutes, organizing cultural events and festivals that celebrate Punjabi language and heritage, creating online resources and apps for learning Punjabi, and supporting Punjabi language media such as newspapers, radio, and television. It is also important to encourage the use of Punjabi in official communications and public settings.
Answer is "Harjahi" in Punjabi
The language Punjabi originates from India. Some Sikhs speak a different language. ;-p
Sitafal is called "Sugar Phael" in Punjabi language.
In Punjabi language, you would say "nawāṉnvi" for 89.
Mother in Punjabi language is "mata ji" or "maa ji".
The Punjabi language is an Indo-Aryan language that is spoken mainly in India and Pakistan. The word gurkirat to Punjabi translates to, or is written as, _______.
ਸੁਮਿਤ is written as "Sumit" in Punjabi language.