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Children go to l'Ecole Maternelle when they are three years old. In the Ecole Maternelle they stay for three years (Petite Section, Moyenne Section and Grande Section) and then they go on to l'Ecole Primaire or Elémentaire (CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM1), after that they go to the Collège (6e, 5e, 4e and 3e) and then they can continue their studies in the Lycée (Seconde, Première and Terminale).

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In France, children typically start school at the age of 3 when they attend école maternelle (preschool). This is followed by primary school (école élémentaire) starting at age 6.

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Q: How old are the the french when they go to school?
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Do french people go to school?

Of course. French people go to school. They have a public school system, however it operates differently than the school system in America.

What does 'you go to school' mean in french?

Tu vas a l'école. You go to school. (go, not attend)

How old do you have to go to school in Nevada?

7 years old to go to school there

When do french people get out of school?

french people get out of school at 4pm but they don't have school on Wednesdays and they go to school half a day on saturday.

You have heard that french kids does not go to school Wednesdays - is that true?

yes its true french kids dont go to school on wednesdays

How old are the people in France when school starts?

French pupils begin to go to the kindergarden at about 3, and to the first grade at age 6.

What uniform do french children wear for education?

I'm french and I go to french school and I don't have to wear a uniform. But some schools have them. I guess it depends what school u go to.

Where can a 3 year old go to school?

In order to make your three year old go to school they mut go to the city school

Do French Children Go To School?

Yes. All children in Europe are required to go to school.

What day do French teens have the day off?

At school French teens only go to school half of the day on Wednesday, and they also go to school on Saturday for half of the day also.

Do french have lunch at school?

they have; it is also permitted to leave school to have lunch at home if you are living next to the school. I go to a all French school & we have to eat a school but we are allowed to go home to eat but only if our parents come to get us