Marathi language has approximately 70 million words.
The Bulgarian language has around 110,000 words in its vocabulary.
The Korean language has over 1 million words in its vocabulary.
There are approximately 135,000 words in the French language.
There are approximately 70 million words in the Tamil language.
Dosa, duka, dewa,sengsara,rupa
There are about 228,132 words total in the English language.
There is no such language.
Marathi language has approximately 70 million words.
Just like English language, Spanish language has unlimited amount of words
The Bulgarian language has around 110,000 words in its vocabulary.
3 words
you can make over 200 words with sign language approx.
The Korean language has over 1 million words in its vocabulary.
The words diba de are from the German language. The German language is complicated but is spoken by many individuals. You can take classes on the language.
There are approximately 135,000 words in the French language.