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There is only one syllable in "clerk".

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10mo ago

The word "clerk" has one syllable.

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Q: How many syllables in clerk?
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How many syllables does the word clerk have?

The word "clerk" has one syllable.

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1 Syllableberk''',''' '''clerk''', dirk, irk, '''jerk''', '''lurk''', '''perk''', '''quirk'''''',''' '''shirk''', '''smirk''','''2 syllables''':bank clerk, '''berserk''', desk clerk, file clerk, grand turk, knee jerk, mail clerk, rework, room clerk, shop clerk, town clerk, young turk'''3 syllables''':bead and quirk, booking clerk, clean and jerk, filing clerk, hotel clerk, overwork, postal clerk, shipping clerk, soda jerk, tally clerk'''4 syllables''':hotel desk clerkfrom: check it out !!Fork. Cork. Dork. Jerk. Pork. Stork.jerk lurk- perk-smurk-Jerk, lurk, smirk and BurkeTurk, lurk, murk, smirk, jerk, perkTurk, Berserk, quirk, jerk, lurk, murk, perk, perc, smirk, irk come to mind

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