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Estimates of the Romani population in the US vary widely, but it is generally believed to be around 1 million people. Romani people are an ethnic group with diverse ancestral origins, and they are often referred to as Roma, Romani, or Gypsies.

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Q: How many gypsies are in the US?
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Are there Gypsies in the US today?

Yes, They paint houses and sell laces

How many gypsies are there?

ALOT there is no exact amount

Are there gypsies in the US?

While there are groups in the US that may self-identify as gypsies, the use of the term "gypsy" is considered derogatory to many Romani communities. It is more respectful to refer to these communities as Romani or Roma people. There are Romani communities in the US, primarily descended from Romani immigrants who settled in the country over the past century.

What is a group of gypsies?

A store of gypsies, or possible a caravan or family of gypsies

What is Collective noun for gypsies?

The collective nouns are a band of gypsies and a caravan of gypsies.

How many vagrants died during the holocaust?

The vagrants of the holocaust were referred to as the Romani or gypsies. An estimated 220,000-500,000 gypsies and vagrants died.

Are there albanian gypsy?

Sure there is. Gypsies (Romani) are spread all over Europe. There are every possible European person that could be part of Romani descent; Serbian Gypsies, Bulgarian Gypsies, Greek Gypsies, Turkish Gypsies, Arabic Gypsies (Domari;Middle Eastern Gypsies), Italian Gypsies, you name it.

How many emperors does Romania?

Only Gypsies have emperors in Romania.

Why do people hate gypsies?

I think people hate Gypsies because they dont understand them. what people dont understand they seem to hate.The gypsies don't follow the societies rules of 'towing the line' and yet they survive and are happy. That's puzzling to many people. I think that deep down inside many of us would love to live freely like the gypsies but haven't the got the guts to do it - so if you can't be like them then the next best thing (to a small mind) is to hate them. This can of course lead to hate crimes, so I suppose "fear" would be a better word.