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Culture is a distinct belief,custom,ritual and way of life of a social community or group that gives itself an identity.The social interact of a cultural group evolves a language which is distinct in variants of dialects in its historical origin.Language is a distinct feature of culture passed down from one generation to another as heritage to giver the community identity and sense of belonging to the social group.

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Language and culture are closely interrelated because language is a primary medium through which culture is expressed and transmitted. Language shapes how individuals perceive the world and communicate their beliefs, values, and traditions within a cultural context. Likewise, culture influences language by determining the content, structure, and usage of language, reflecting the shared norms and practices of a community.

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Q: How language and culture are interrelated?
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How language and culture are interrelated - notes?

Language and culture are interrelated because language is a fundamental aspect of culture, shaping how people communicate, express ideas, and understand the world. Culture influences language through vocabulary, grammar, and social norms, while language helps to transmit and preserve cultural heritage, identity, and traditions. The two are deeply interconnected, as language reflects cultural values and beliefs, and culture shapes how language is used and interpreted within a society.

How is language and society interrelated?

Language and society are closely interconnected as language is influenced by societal norms, values, and customs. Language serves as a medium for communication, shaping social relationships and reinforcing cultural identities. Society, in turn, impacts language through processes such as language change, dialect variation, and the creation of specialized jargon within different social groups.

How does language and culture reflect each other?

Language and culture are deeply interconnected as language represents the beliefs, practices, and values of a particular culture. Language embodies cultural norms and ways of thinking, while culture influences the development and evolution of language. Through language, culture is transmitted, preserved, and expressed, shaping individuals' identities and interactions within a society.

If 80 of people in a culture speak Spanish then that language is likely part of the..?

If 80% of people in a culture speak Spanish, then that language is likely part of the dominant or official language in that culture.

Does language preserve culture?

Yes, language plays a crucial role in preserving culture. Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a carrier of cultural knowledge, values, traditions, and customs. It reflects the specific way of life, beliefs, and unique identity of a particular culture, helping to pass on these elements to future generations. When a language is lost, an essential part of a culture can also fade away.

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How language and culture are interrelated - notes?

Language and culture are interrelated because language is a fundamental aspect of culture, shaping how people communicate, express ideas, and understand the world. Culture influences language through vocabulary, grammar, and social norms, while language helps to transmit and preserve cultural heritage, identity, and traditions. The two are deeply interconnected, as language reflects cultural values and beliefs, and culture shapes how language is used and interpreted within a society.

How are culture and society interrelated?

Culture influences the people in the society and society follows culture.

Culture is an integrated and interrelated whole which means that?

Culture is an integrated and interrelated whole, which means that if you change one part of a culture, you could significantly affect other parts of the culture, or even the culture as a whole. Language is considered to be the most important symbolic aspect of culture.

How is language and society interrelated?

Language and society are closely interconnected as language is influenced by societal norms, values, and customs. Language serves as a medium for communication, shaping social relationships and reinforcing cultural identities. Society, in turn, impacts language through processes such as language change, dialect variation, and the creation of specialized jargon within different social groups.

What are the three cultural variables?

The simplest level of culture is Culture Trait, it is an individual tool, act, or belief that is related to a particular situation or need. Individual culture traits combine to form the next level- Culture Complexes which is a cluster of interrelated traits. Culture complexes combine to for larger levels- Culture Patterns. Cultural Patterns is the combination of a number of culture complexes into an interrelated whole.

What is culture in language?

language and culture are intertwine..culture grows through language..

How does language influence culture?

well knowing a language could mean it influences the culture because if you speak the language it seems like you would know the culture

Why language and culture can not be separated?

You cannot put a language in with a culture it is not from people will not understand you. A language comes from the culture which it is derived from.

What does a language's vocabulary tell about the culture?

What does a language's vocabulary tell about its culture?

How do culture affect language?

Culture affects language because where ever it is your from you have your language, then when you learn a new language, depending on your culture you might be violating some kind of rule.

What is the meaning of etnolingguistic?

Ethnolinguistics is the study of language and how it is a part of culture. It especially refers to the way language influences culture and the culture of language in itself.

How did language religion and culture diffuse through colonization and conquest?

Language, religion and culture were often forced on the conquered. Sometimes the original language, culture and religion were wiped out and replaced with the conqueror's religion, language and culture.