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The limited arable land in Japan has influenced their culture by fostering a deep connection to nature and a tradition of efficient land use. It has also led to practices like terraced farming and intensive agriculture. This limitation has shaped their culinary traditions, focusing on fresh, seasonal ingredients and preserving food through techniques like fermentation.

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Q: How does the limited arable land affect Japanese culture?
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What part of speech is arable?

The word "arable" is an adjective. It is used to describe land that is suitable for plowing and farming.

The dominant economic activity associated with high-Island culture is?

The dominant economic activity associated with high-Island culture is agriculture, particularly terraced farming on mountainous terrain. This type of farming allows high-Island communities to cultivate crops such as rice, vegetables, and fruits on steep slopes, making the most of limited arable land. Additionally, high-Island cultures may also engage in fishing or livestock rearing to supplement their agricultural activities.

What resources are scarce in Germany?

Some resources that are considered scarce in Germany include arable land, natural gas, and certain minerals. Additionally, skilled labor in specific industries, such as technology and engineering, can also be limited.

What do the dutch call their area of land reclaimed from the sea?

The Dutch call their area of land reclaimed from the sea "polders." These are low-lying lands enclosed by dikes where water is drained to create arable land. Polders are a notable feature of the Dutch landscape and have helped expand their habitable territory.

What is the definition of fertile?

Fertile LandFertile means able to grow crops, or arable. Early civilizations developed where rivers overflowed their banks to add silt that provided nutrients to the soil.Fertility in Animals and HumansAnimals are said to be fertile if they can bear young. While fertilization is by the sperm of male animals, fertility is usually applied to the eggs of the female and their subsequent ability to grow or mature.Other UsesThe word is used as a metaphor for the source of prolific or productive efforts (fertile mind, fertile environment). It generally refers to land that is used to grow crops. Fertile meaing that the land is ready and able to have seed planted. Can also refer to the ability of a female to bear young. Land which is able to bear crops. Also can mean an animal that is able to bear to become pregnant

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How does limited arable land affect the lives of people in southwest Asia?

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What are the names of crops grown in japan?

Japan has limited arable land, but it does grow crops that are vital to Japanese culture. Rice is Japan's most important crop, but it also grows wheat, barley, sweet potatoes, beans, and peas.

whom is the Japanese have to resort to fishing and commerce for the land alone cannot support them because the country is mountainous and only one fourth is arable?

Due to the mountainous terrain and limited arable land in Japan, the Japanese have historically relied heavily on fishing and commerce as additional sources of sustenance and income. These activities have played a crucial role in supplementing the country's food supply and economy, given the geographic constraints.

What percentage of the land is arable in Colombia?

Approximately 4.97% of Colombia's land area is arable, meaning it is suitable for cultivation and agriculture. This limited amount of arable land poses challenges for agriculture and food production in the country.

Which geographic factor had the most influence on the development of the Inca society and japanese society?

The Andes Mountains had a significant influence on the development of Inca society, as they provided natural defenses, limited communication and trade with neighboring cultures, and created diverse climates for agriculture. In Japan, the surrounding seas, mountainous terrain, and limited arable land influenced the development of a distinct culture focused on fishing, rice cultivation, and isolation from the mainland.

How has geography impacted Japanese culture and history?

Japan's geography as an island nation has influenced its isolated development, leading to unique cultural traditions and practices. The mountainous terrain has led to limited arable land, encouraging a focus on efficient land use and agriculture. Additionally, Japan's location on the Pacific Ring of Fire has exposed it to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, influencing architectural styles and disaster preparedness in Japanese society.

What are examples of limited resources?

Land is an example of a limited resource because we only have so much of it. Ecologically productive land is even more limited because not all land is arable.

How did both Inca farmers and Japanese farmers adapt a geographic feature of their countries?

Inca farmers adapted to the rugged Andean landscape by creating terrace farming to use available land efficiently. Japanese farmers adapted to limited arable land by practicing intensive rice cultivation and by developing advanced irrigation techniques like rice paddies.

What is important about the geography of Japan?

That it is an island nation, and with little arable land are two features that have shaped it's culture and history.

What is Arable Farming?

Arable farmming is farmming done on arable land and arable land is land that is good for farmming. For example rocky, and sandy land is considered non arable land

What has the author Andrew Coventry written?

Andrew Coventry has written: 'Notes on the culture and cropping of arable land' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Tillage