A Canada goose in French is called "bernache du Canada."
"Canada" is considered masculine in French. Therefore, articles and adjectives referring to Canada will be in the masculine form.
He has in French is "Il a..." Hope this helps :)
To write "50th" in French, you would write "50Γ¨me."
Yes, French is an official language of Canada. -------- No Canada is not a French speaking country. Outside of one province most of Canada speaks English and more Canadians speak Asian languages than French. For much of Canada French is the language of the colonizing Mother County
Christmas in english, Noel in french.
french Canada
The French got to Canada in boats.
A Canada goose in French is called "bernache du Canada."
Canada Day in french is "La fête du Canada"
The French never stole Canada.
Canada is the same spelling in English and French.
Canada is not a republic. Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. Canada is spelled the same in English as it is in French.
No part of Canada is British. French are a majority in Quebec.
a Canada goose is called 'une oie du Canada' in French.
"Canada" is considered masculine in French. Therefore, articles and adjectives referring to Canada will be in the masculine form.
Yes, also French is another official language in Canada.