"Chi Wu" (吃午) in Chinese means "have lunch".
You can write "Lien" in Chinese as "连".
In the word "Chinese," the stress is on the first syllable "Chi," so it is pronounced as "CHY-neez."
'Sand' in Chinese would be written as '沙' or 'sha' in pinyin.
The phrase is not in Chinese Language, not sure what language it is in.
"Chi Wu" (吃午) in Chinese means "have lunch".
chi bai
"qi" or chi
Guogu Zheng has written: 'Chi zha chi zha =' -- subject(s): Art, Chinese, Chinese Art
Yes, Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese Martial Art.
Tai Chi or Tai Gong.
吃 [chī]
Chi-Coms = Chinese Communists.
Chi-yun Chang has written: 'The essence of Chinese culture'