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I didn't want to scold her in front of the whole class so we went into the hallway to discuss her behavior.

My grandmother used to scold us if we snacked before dinner.

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She had to scold her dog for chewing on the furniture again.

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Q: How do you use the word scold in a sentence?
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A sentence using scold?

My teacher used to scold me for not completing my homework on time.

A sentence for the word scold?

I don't like to scold you for things I've told you not to do.

Use the word Scold in a sentence?

The teacher had to scold the students for misbehaving during the class.

A sentence for scold?

One sentence for scold is; The teacher had to scold some students for disrupting the class.

What is a sentence for pun?

If I had a nickel for every time I had to scold my kids, I could retire; no pun intended. That is a great sentence for the word pun since it refers to the humorous use of a word or phrase.

Use scold in a sentence?

He even scolded them at times, but they seemed to like it.

How do you use reproved in a sentence?

Reproved means to scold gently. Use in a sentence would be, "The teacher reproved the student for not turning in his homework."

Can you give me a sentence for the word scold?

I shall now scould you, you naughty person making me do your homework for you.

Use the sentence clue to determine the meaning of the root word. mon The hall monitor admonished me for shouting.?

The root word "mon" in "admonished" means to warn or scold someone firmly. In this sentence, the hall monitor cautioned or rebuked you for shouting.

How would you use recoiling in a sentence?

She recoiled at the sight of his limp, lifeless body.

Is scold a long o word?


What does scold mean in Gaelic Irish or Celtic?

The word 'scold' is not an Irish Gaelic word.