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The common aspect of all of these neo-Nazi groups is a hatred of Jews.

His jealousy of his older brother eventually turned to resentment and hatred.

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The feeling of hatred consumed him after he found out he had been betrayed by his closest friend.

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Q: How do you use the word hatred in a sentence?
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A sentence using the word hatred?

Hatred is the poison that poisons the giver not the receiver.

How do you use hatred in sentence?

"I felt the most boiling HATRED I have ever felt."

A sentence with the word visceral?

I have a visceral hatred for David Cameron.

How do you use profess in a sentence?

I have an unrelenting need to profess my hatred for that man.

Sentence using the word odious?

Odious means, "deserving hatred". Therefore, one may use this word in a sentence like so: After walking by the dog that attacked a cat in our neighborhood, i felt pure odiousness towards it.

Used in a sentence -what word do I use to make this an accurate sentence Hatred Enimating from within?

First, the word is "emanating"-- which means originating or coming from. To make a sentence with the phrase you asked about requires more than one word. You need a subject and you need a verb. For example: People who are prejudiced often have hatred emanating from within themselves, but that does not mean they will always feel that way; people can, and do, learn to change.

What sentence can you use with the word malevolent?

In my opinion, the man is a malevolent person. Malevolent: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred.

How would you use the word powerlessly in a sentence?

As the dictator of the country stood there powerlessly, his people attacked him with their own increasing hatred for the way that he had run the country and controlled them.

How do you use the word hate in a positive sentence?

"I felt the most boiling HATRED I have ever felt."

What is the worst word that you can use to show your hatred?

You could use the words detest or revile.

What is a sentence using the word misogyny?

(The word "misogyny" means a hatred or dislike of women.) The killer's misogyny was attributed to his abuse by the aunts who raised him.

Can you use the word concluding in a sentence?

Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.