I can use the word "for" in a sentence to indicate a purpose or reason, such as "I am studying for my exam."
A caret symbol (^) is commonly used to indicate that a word or phrase should be removed from a sentence.
You can use the word "her" to refer to a female person or possession in a sentence. For example: "I gave her the book" or "That is her house."
"They asked everyone not to interrupt during the reading of the document."
The word "rush" can be either a verb or a noun, depending on how it is used in a sentence.
Example of a sentence: "It's either me or them buddy, you choose"
The sentence, When we do the research we find either too much material to use or not enough is not a complex sentence because the word either is used.
The sentence, When we do the research we find either too much material to use or not enough is not a complex sentence because the word either is used.
The sentence, When we do the research we find either too much material to use or not enough is not a complex sentence because the word either is used.
Don't worry i do not no this answer either
You are either unintelligent or lazy since you can't even fathom a sentence using the word fathomable. Or idk
yes the word either can start a sentence
Put it in between two choices like so: "I was either going to live or die,her choice"
The modernization of a society can be seen as either good or bad, depending who you ask.
It can be either a noun or an adjective, depending upon its use in a sentence.
Can you use the word concluding in a sentence? Done.
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.