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The appositives are highlighted in the sentences below:

Mrs. Hansen, the woman in the blue dress, is our school nurse.

Madison, Wisconsin's capital, is a beautiful city.

Our new pet, a tiny black kitten, is a welcomed addition to out family.

Matthew's favorite possession, a slick racing bike, was stolen last night.

His fifth novel, now a national best seller, has outsold all his other books.

Your favorite shirt, the one with red stripes, is hanging in the closet.

My cousin, a long distance runner, has won three Olympic medals.

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4mo ago

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or explains another noun nearby in the sentence. It is set off by commas. For example, in the sentence "My brother, a talented musician, is playing the guitar," the appositive "a talented musician" provides more information about the noun "brother."

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When do you use an appositive?

When you wish to clarify the subject of a sentence. The appositive comes after the subject separated by commas. In the sentence below, appositive is in capitals. Helen, THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED A THOUSANDS SHIPS TO BEGIN THE TEN YEAR TROJAN WAR, was the daughter of Zeus...

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The appositive is "a star", which renames the noun phrase "the sun".An appositive should be set off from the rest of the sentence by commas before and after.

What is the appositive in the following sentence. Her sister Violet will attend the meeting?

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun or pronoun just before it.The noun"Violet" is appositive in that sentence. It renames the noun phrase "her sister".

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An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun or pronoun just before it.The appositive in the sentence is Bob Huylett, which renames the noun 'author'.

Is this sentence a appositive Grandfather smiled drew a breath and began the story always one of our favorites is this sentence an appositive?

Is this sentence a appositive "grandfather smiled drew a breath and began the story always one of our favorites"

Which part of the sentence is an appositive?

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or explains another noun in the sentence. It is often enclosed in commas. For example, in the sentence "My friend, the doctor, lives next door," the appositive is "the doctor."

How to decide when to use commas to set off an appositive in a sentence?

I believe that when you have an appositive in a sentence that when it is not necessary you surround it with commas and when it is necessary, you don't use commas. This is what I believe the rule is, but I am not 100% sure. Anyone feel free to correct me if this is in any way not correct.

What is the appositive in the sentence My uncle Joe bought a dozen tulips.?

The appositive in the sentence is "Joe," which renames or explains the noun "uncle."

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How do you use tomb in an appositive sentence?

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