To avoid being obtrusive in the elegant restaurant, he used subtle gestures to call the waiter to his table.
Her subtle smile hinted at a secret she was holding.
Her perfume was so subtle that he could only catch a hint of it when she passed by.
You can use the word "clue" in a sentence like this: "She left a subtle clue for him to find her hidden treasure."
You can use "pick up on" in a sentence to mean to notice or become aware of something. For example, "She was quick to pick up on his subtle hints during the conversation."
The glitter was subtle, making the arrangement tasteful and not gaudy.She signaled him subtly, so as not to alert everyone in the room.It smelled like a fresh forest, many pine scents with a subtle aroma of rain.
She chose fabrics in subtle shades of grey.
A subtle difference is so slight that it is difficult to detect or describe.EXAMPLE: The two shades of green were so subtle, that you needed to put them next to each other to tell that they were not the same color.
The dawn revealed subtle nuances in the coloration of the rocks. That hint was not very subtle.
Her subtle smile hinted at a secret she was holding.
Her perfume was so subtle that he could only catch a hint of it when she passed by.
I gave my friend a subtle hint from across the room.
Retrofire is a verb used to refer to the ignition of rockets, specifically retrorockets.Sample Sentence:"The space shuttles were maneuvered by subtle retrofire of rockets positioned in locations on the exterior."
make it very Subtle and precise . The change was very Subtle.
Subtle means not easily noticed. Here are some sentences.The subtle scent of flowers wafted on the breeze.He made a subtle hint about her poor hygiene.You should be more subtle instead of telling the truth so bluntly.
The subtle differences in the shading of the bushes made it very difficult to spot the cheetah, but I knew that I could never outrun him.
The comedian's jokes weren't vulgar; they relied upon sharpness and wit.
You can use the word "clue" in a sentence like this: "She left a subtle clue for him to find her hidden treasure."