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According to our record, we will record the album in March.

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4mo ago

Noun: "I keep a record of all my expenses." Verb: "I will record the meeting for those who can't attend."

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Q: How do you use record in a sentence as a noun and a verb?
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How do you use record as a verb in a sentence?

She is going to record the song next week.

How do you use record in a sentence as a noun?

The noun 'record' is a singular, common noun. The noun 'record' is a concrete noun as a word for documentation kept about something that has happened; a round black plastic disc containing music or other sounds. The noun 'record' is an abstract noun as a word for the best achievement so far in a particular activity; the sum of the past achievements or performance of a person, organization, or thing. A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition. EXAMPLES subject: The record of her birth is dated four years earlier than she claims. object: Your former employer says that you have an excellent record. The word 'record' is also a verb.

Is metamorphosis a verb or a noun?

both... depending on how you use it in a sentence!

Is is course a noun?

It can be, depending on how you use it in a sentence. It can also be a verb.

How can you use the word 'record' as verb in a sentence?

My lab partner will record the data from the experiment.

How do you use prodigy as a verb in a sentence?

The word prodigy is a noun, not a verb. My son is a prodigy.

Use record as a verb in a sentence?

Susan is going to record her son's circumcision on video tape.