The police figured they secret identity of the criminal. (:~ Liddoh Miss Dolleyy(;
The proofreading mark for an error in a sentence would be a caret (^) to indicate where the correction should be inserted.
I is used for the subject of a sentence or phrase; me is used as the object of a sentence or phrase. Example:He gave me the book.I will give the book to you.I am going to the mall; will you come with me?
Yes, it is grammatically correct to use the pronoun "it" twice in a sentence. For example: "It is important to keep it clean."
The FBI used fingerprints to identify who committed the crime.
Please identify that bird for me...
The police figured they secret identity of the criminal. (:~ Liddoh Miss Dolleyy(;
You will need to use magnification in order to identify the cells on the slides.
The pronoun 'them' is the indirect object of the sentence.
Logos used to identify companies are usually protected by copyright. The answer to how to use a logo in a sentence is... you don't. Spell out the company name within a sentence or headline and use the logomark elsewhere as support.
i want to use adverbs in my work.
The difficulty of the obstacle course is intendedto identify which team is more robust.
I can positively identify sixteen types of amoebae on this specimen plate.
The U.S. Marine used a laser designator to identify targets for his comrades.
They will learn to identify and quantify the specific uncertainties that threaten success.
The proofreading mark for an error in a sentence would be a caret (^) to indicate where the correction should be inserted.