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the diadem was very delegate and is very symbolic

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She adorned her head with a sparkling diadem for the royal ball.

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How you use diadem in a sentence?

I am wearing a diadem.

How do you put the word diadem in a sentence?

Diadem of gold or precious stones.The queen wore diadem of jewels and gold

What is the diadem in Harry Potter?

The diadem was one of Tom Riddle's Horcruxes. A diadem is like a sort of crown.

When did Operation Diadem happen?

Operation Diadem happened in 1944.

What is a zodiac diadem?

A zodiac diadem is an ASTROLOGICAL CROWN. or something very similar to that.

When was Madonna with the Blue Diadem created?

Madonna with the Blue Diadem was created in 1511.

When was Mograbin diadem snake created?

Mograbin diadem snake was created in 1923.

Where was the Diadem Horcrux hidden?

The diadem was hidden in the Room of Requirement

When was George IV State Diadem created?

George IV State Diadem was created in 1820.

What was the purpose of a diadem in Ancient Egypt?

The ancient diadem was the highly adorned and richly gemmed head-dress, worn by kings. In the east the diadem was a symbol of absolute power.The diadem was usually a headband about two inches wide, tied in the back and made of silk, and inlaid with gold and the most precious gems. The crown was a symbol of glory, and the diadem was a symbol of beauty.

What does diadem mean?

A crown or tiara.

What is the diadem in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

A diadem is a jeweled crown worn as a symbol of sovereignty. The diadem in the Harry Potter books is Rowena Ravenclaw's and it was believed that it bestowed apon the wearer incredible wit. It was stolen by her daughter a long time ago and was lost. This is why the diadem is refered to as "the lost diadem of Ravenclaw" In the last part of the book, Harry and his friends believe it is a horcrux and contains a piece of Lord Voldemorts soul. Voldemort cannot die without all the horcruxes being destroyed so therefore, Harry needs to destroy the diadem. The only problem is that it is lost.