You need Devanaagari font for typing in Sanskrit. You can use 'quillpad', an online word-processor for Indian languages. Choose Hindi and type your Sanskrit text in English. Quillpad will convert it directly into Devanagari script.
You can then copy and paste onto your MS Word document. Make sure that you have Devanagari fonts installed on your OS.
See related link.
To type in Sanskrit, you can use a keyboard or software that supports the Unicode standard for Indian languages. You can also use online tools or websites that provide virtual keyboards for typing in Sanskrit. Additionally, you can install language input tools on your computer or mobile device to type in Sanskrit.
The Sanskrit word for 'The' is 'एतद्' (etad).
संस्कृत क्रॉसवर्ड্ (sanskrit crossword)
Truck in Sanskrit can be translated as "ट्रक" (ṭraka).
The Sanskrit name for strawberry is "Dalim."
Type your answer here... yes we can change
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Sanskrit (India)
Archaic Sanskrit means Ancient Classical Sanskrit.
The Sanskrit word for 'The' is 'एतद्' (etad).
Answer is "Broccoli", Broccoli is Sanskrit word, it is come from Sanskrit.
संस्कृत क्रॉसवर्ड্ (sanskrit crossword)
The Sanskrit word for snake is "sarpah."
antarjAla is the word for Internet in Sanskrit, that is in use. Strictly speaking the prefix is antaH means inside as in antaHkaraNa = inner-organ(= Intuition); maybe the word formation is unlike Sanskrit. This word is more influenced by Hindi-type of word formation and the "antar" as the Indianized version of "Inter". By original Sanskrit sense it would better fit to be used as the word for intranet.
Truck in Sanskrit can be translated as "ट्रक" (ṭraka).
The Sanskrit name for strawberry is "Dalim."