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tu eres la mejor novia en todo el mundo tu eres la mejor novia en todo el mundo

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

"You are the best girl in the world" in Spanish is "Eres la mejor chica del mundo."

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Q: How do you tell ''you are the best girl in the world'' in spanish?
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Tell a girl you love her best friend?

NEVER! no matter what she says she is going to blab it to the world.

How you want to tell her that she are the beautiful girl in the world?

Tell her, "I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

How do you say jealous in Spanish?

to tell a guy hes jelous in spanish u say seloso if your going to tell a girl you say selosa.

How do you tell your best friend that you are in love with the girl he is about to ask out?

its best not To tell him , and not go out with the girl, unless you want to pick out a fight . good luck man

How do you tell your best friend that you are in love with her if you are a girl?

Just tell her right away!

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tell her she is cute tell her she is cute

When can you tell a girl you like her?

if i was you i would just tell your best friend to go and tell this girl that you like her,oh and i'd tell her maybe at recess, if you still have recess.

How do you tell your best friend who you like?

Just tell her or him with confidence depending on your gender, sexual preferences, etc.Example of a best-friend turning into a relationship scenario:A guy likes his best friend who's a girl (the guy has to tell her with confidence)A girl likes his best friend who's a guy (the girl has to tell him with confidence)This is an example for straights to go, but the same idea can go for gays

How do you tell a girl about your love?

Unfortunately there is no easy way to tell a girl you love her and i would know. But the best way is not to tell her but to let her figure it out by your actions and how you treat her. THen if she asks you tell her the truth

How can I tell what a girl thinks of me?

Asking her is the only (or best) way.

What is the best thing to tell a girl you love about her?

The truth about how you feel

What do you do about a girl who is one of your best friends that you like?

You tell her and you talk