To split the word "syllables" into its individual syllables, you can break it down like this: syl-la-bles.
To split syllables in a word, you look for vowel sounds and divide the word accordingly. Each syllable must have at least one vowel sound.
The word "musher" is broken into two syllables: mush-er.
There are two syllables which are split like this: burn-ing.
The word "sunglasses" splits into three syllables: sun-glas-ses.
To split the word "syllables" into its individual syllables, you can break it down like this: syl-la-bles.
The word august has two syllables. The syllables of the word are au-gust.
There are two syllables in the word binary. The syllables of the word are bi-nary.
The word signal has two syllables. The syllables in the word are sig-nal.
The word coarseness is split into syllables like so: coarse-ness.
There are two syllables: might-y.
To split syllables in a word, you look for vowel sounds and divide the word accordingly. Each syllable must have at least one vowel sound.
Droplet has two syllables: drop-let.
There are two syllables separated like this: at-tend.
The word "musher" is broken into two syllables: mush-er.
Har.ness I think...
a ve rage