"Straat" is the dutch spelling of street.
"Dakota" is spelled the same in Dutch as it is in English.
The same, you don't spell names different in dutch.
girl = meisje
The correct spelling in Dutch is "slagroom."
groot is the word for great in Dutch. It is translation from English to Dutch.
The word "book" in Dutch is spelled as "boek".
knap is the word for handsome in Dutch. This is the word used to say someone is attarctive.
"Straat" is the dutch spelling of street.
Farewell = vaarwel
first = eerste
appel is the word for apple in Dutch. It is a fruit that can be eaten.
woman = vrouw women = vrouwen
Vertrouwen (trust) / geloof (religion)
I had is in Dutch ik had.
The Dutch word for surgery is the cognate chirurgie - or operatie which is a cognate of operation.
'star' is in Dutch 'ster'