That is the correct spelling of the word "lunging" (from to lunge).
The root word of lunging is "lunge".
The sentence "The mailman backed away from the lunging dog" can be turned into a participial phrase as "Backing away from the lunging dog, the mailman retreated."
Some examples of compound words that are the same when spelled backward and forward are "deified" and "reviver."
The homophone of "forward" is "foreword".
No, "forward" is not an adverb. It is typically used as an adjective or a direction.
The guard dog is now lunging at me. The art of fencing requires lunging.
A lunge is a sudden forward movement. In exercise, a lunge is performed by stepping forward with one leg whilst kneeling with the other leg before returning to a standing position.
The caudal fin or better known as the ¨tail¨ of a fish is used for propulsion (Thrusting forward).
Because they are bending their legs too much they are thrusting forward with their feet but this is equalled by their thighs thrusting them backward .
I was lunging in my gymnastics, volleyball, and scooer classes.
It is a thrust, a sudden forward motion, as with a sword or a knife.
The root word of lunging is "lunge".
Thrusting refers to the act of pushing forcefully or moving in a sudden forward motion. It is often used to describe actions like jabbing, poking, or propelling something with a quick, strong movement.
The word lunging is a common noun and is also a verb.
The sentence "The mailman backed away from the lunging dog" can be turned into a participial phrase as "Backing away from the lunging dog, the mailman retreated."