In Portuguese, "here" is spelled as "aqui."
This is how you spell here, unless you mean the sense of hearing, which would be hear because it's to do with your EAR .
"Spell me" typically means to spell a word out loud for someone to ensure they understand the correct spelling. It can also refer to being enchanted or captivated by something.
The correct spelling is "laughing." Here's a question: What is something that always makes you smile or laugh?
The correct spelling is "rough."
You would spell it 'hear' if you are referring to a sound that you listen to.
That is the correct spelling of "this" (something here, or existing).
This seems to be a phonetic version of "how do you spell something that you aren't sure of" which would be an "uncertainty." (Which certainly applies here.)
Here is how to spell it: karaoke
here = hier
its something about spell
There are to definitions but here is one: An arrow is something that points in a direction. It has a roof of a house on the top of it and the rest is a lign. Or however you spell it.
An acrostic poem is like this H-Write something here A-Write something here R-Write something here R-Write something here I-Write something here E-Write something here T-Write something here T-Write something here U-Write something here B-Write something here M-Write something here A-Write something here N-Write something here
"Here is" would be "aquí está".
ultra sonic wave is less then 20khz so v r not hereing not seeing
pure pwnage