The spelling of "grant" in Chinese depends on what you mean by the word. If you mean "grant" as a given name, it would be spelled as 格兰特 (gé lán tè) in Mandarin Chinese. However, if you mean "grant" as a verb or noun referring to financial aid, it would be 筹款 (chóu kuǎn) or 授予 (shòu yǔ) in Chinese, respectively.
"Jelly" in Chinese is spelled as 果冻 (guǒ dòng).
One less 'n' assuming you are trying to spell 'Chinese'
The likely word is the proper adjective and demonym Chinese (of or from China).
This is how you spell settings in chinese: 設置 This is from English to Chinese (Traditional) translation. Hope you fell happy!
"Obey" in Chinese is spelled as "服从".
How spell Moni in Chinese
how do you spell tyler in Chinese
how to spell Melissa in Chinese
i think you mean: How do you spell it in chinese. That is poor grammer
You just did, 'Grant'. Or were you referring to 'Ulysses S. Grant'?
It is spelt "Chinese".
ME is 我 in Chinese.
Chinese doesn't have letters, each word is a specific character. It would most likely be the exact same as English.
there is actually on 'the' in the Chinese language. and unless you use pingyin, you can't really 'spell' it - it's all Chinese characters
You can spell"新年快乐"in Chinese characters.If you use Chinese phonetic alphabet,you can spell "xin nian kuai le"
How to spell Marquez in chinese