The suffix of "spell" is " -el."
The noun for spell is "spelling," As in, "What is the correct spelling for this word?"
Some prefixes that can be added to the word "spell" include mis-, re-, and un-. For example, "misspell" means to spell incorrectly, "respell" means to spell again, and "unspell" means to undo or reverse a spell.
thirteenyou spell it spell it thirteen.
The phrase "how do you spell it in french" is spelled as "Comment cela s'épelle en français" in French.
a parallelogram does
you start at the top left, you go to the right, you go diagnal to the down left, then you go to the right, then you go diagnal to the top left.
u can't
there are two spelling mistakes in the question - can you spot them?
Each row is differently generated. For example, Diagnal 1 displays the counting numbers, Diagnal 2 is +1, +2,+3, +4, +5 and so on.
It's a guard rail warning sign
5 in middle,6,5,4 diagnal,8,5,2 diagnal,6,1,8 horizontal, 7,5,3 horizontal,2,9,4 horizontal, 6,7,2 vertical, 1,5,9 vertical, and 8,3,4,vertical
you put green to the right diagnal pointing down. then you put the pink into the corner and turn the green into purple. then you put the purple down then across then put the blue to the left then right then diagnal down to the right then across hope this helps.
rectangle a set that goes horizontal and a set that goes diagnal
A 180 Degree shape would be a line a straight line or diagnal like this: _____________
you blow at a diagnal into the hole at the top make a little hole with ur mouth and blow hard