The plural of basis is bases (bay-seez).
Basis and bases are homophones. Homophones are words that sound alike, but have different meanings and often different spellings.
A homonym for basis is "basses," which refers to the plural form of the word "bass," meaning low-pitched musical instruments or voices.
bass as in a bass guitar, bass drum or bass clef She sings treble and he sings bass.
The plural of basis is bases (bay-seez).
The plural of basis is bases
The plural of basis is bases (pronounced bayseez).
The word basis is singular. The plural is bases.
The plural of basis is bases (pronounced bās'ēz).
touch bases
There are 3 basis: Cash basis, Accrual basis and Tax basis Free information online at
Cost bases.
The plural form of basis is bases(prononounced bayseez).
number and sequence of nitrogen bases