Zachary - Zachariasz This name is rather Modern and does not date back to Latin or Greek roots as most older names do. However, its older version, Zacharias, does.
zamknij się that is how you spell shut up in polish.
In French, Zachary is spelled "Zacharie."
In Polish Sandra has the same letters as in English, so you simply spell "Sandra".
Karen in Polish is spelled "Karolina."
Zachary - Zachariasz This name is rather Modern and does not date back to Latin or Greek roots as most older names do. However, its older version, Zacharias, does.
zamknij się that is how you spell shut up in polish.
Spell, please! (letter by letter) = przeliteruj prosze! but most Polish people would ask "How does one write it?" = Jak się to pisze?
In French, Zachary is spelled "Zacharie."
Je t'aime Zach.
That is the usual spelling of the male given name Zachary, also Zachery (from Zachariah).
You can spell zackery diffrent waysEx.ZacheryZacharyzackeryZackaryZakarie
In Polish Natalie is "Natalia".
In Polish safety is "bezpieczeństwo".
it's not a Polish word.
In Polish winter is "zima".