Dakota Dacota Dackota Dackotah
Dakota is spelled the same in French as in English.
The same, you don't spell names different in dutch.
"Straat" is the dutch spelling of street.
girl = meisje
I had is in Dutch ik had.
'star' is in Dutch 'ster'
"Defense" in Dutch is "defensie".
In Dutch, six = zes.
Dakota Dacota Dackota Dackotah
Dakota is spelled the same in French as in English.
'Decatur' the town. 'Dakota' as in North or South Dakota.
groot is the word for great in Dutch. It is translation from English to Dutch.
It is the same way as you spell it in English.
The same, you don't spell names different in dutch.
im not a Mexican so i don't know. Dakota = Dakota