Eu = ITu = YouEle,Ela, = He, She.Nós = WeVós = YouEles = TheyNós moramos no Brasil = We live in Brazil.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Yes" in Portuguese is "sim".
Approximately 97% of the population in Brazil speaks Portuguese.
"Onde" is how you say "where" in Portuguese.
Vive e aprende.
Viva a sua vida.
Bate-papo ao vivo
Moro no sul da Flórida
Eu = ITu = YouEle,Ela, = He, She.Nós = WeVós = YouEles = TheyNós moramos no Brasil = We live in Brazil.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
Approximately 97% of the population in Brazil speaks Portuguese.
"Onde" is how you say "where" in Portuguese.
'To live' - Viver 'Live from Lisbon' - Em diretta de Lisboaalive = vivo/viva (female)show live = show ao vivo
"Fuzzy" in Portuguese is "fofinho" or "peludinho."
To say "your location" in Portuguese, you would say "sua localização".
"Spoon" in Portuguese is "colher".