Not really. Swahili has very few prepositions. Most are contained by the verb form or the noun form, i.e., Give the book to me (Nipe kitabu; the verb contains the idea of "to"); He returned to his house (or he went home): Alirudi nyumbani(the "to" is indicated by the suffix -ni on the noun nyumba, house or home).
This contributor cannot think of any instance in which the word kwa meaning "to" would not be better replaced by a different construction or simply dropped without any replacement. For example, the salutation of a note might be kwa Hamisi (to Himisi), but the normal way to write it would be kwako Hamisi. Or Alimpe kitabu kwa Sara (She gave the book to Sara) would be understood but is not standard swahili, which is alimpe Sara kitabu (the idea of "to" is contained in the verb).
You say memorize in Swahili like this: kukariri
You can say "Nakukosa" in Swahili to mean "I miss you."
To say "hot" in Swahili, you would say "ya moto."
To say "I miss him" in Swahili, you would say "Ninam-miss."
How does one say "new beginning" in Swahili
You say memorize in Swahili like this: kukariri
You can say "Nakukosa" in Swahili to mean "I miss you."
The Swahili word is 'Na'
To say "hot" in Swahili, you would say "ya moto."
To say "I miss him" in Swahili, you would say "Ninam-miss."
How does one say "new beginning" in Swahili
If you go to google translate it will tell you and say it but i will spell how it is in Swahili chaise
The word for "answer" in Swahili is "jibu."
Community in Swahili is "jamii."
reading in Swahili is masomo
Chimpanzee in Swahili is "sokwe".
"Bad" in Swahili is "mbaya."