This is how you pronounce it: Vy ga-va-REE-tее pa-ROOS-ski?
This is how to write it using English letters: Vy govorite po-russki?
And in Russian: Вы говорите по-русски?
Ты говоришь по-русски - ty govorish' po russki. To a child or someone you know well.
Вы говорите по-русски. - Vy govorite po russki. To someone you don't know at all or very well, is older, teachers, respectable people. Formal situations.
Just add a question mark to make it into a question.
ah vih gavareetye pah rooskee?
*If you don't know whether the person speaks Russian, you probably don't know them well enough to use the informal version of "you." Which is why I changed it to the formal version.
To say "no" in Russian, you can say "нет" (pronounced as "nyet").
The word "black" in Russian is "чёрный" (chyorniy).
"Enough" in Russian is "достаточно" (pronounced dostatochno).
"День рождения" is how you say birthday in Russian.
"Один" is how you say "the one" in Russian.
There are two: говорить gah-vahr-eet' сказать skuh-zaht' говорить is used mostly with the present tense: Он говорит. "He is speaking." сказать is more like: Он сказал. "He said."
its the same as it is in english... go to google translate for any other questions... it even says it aloud, but you have to have speakers for it though...
In Kazakh "Tugan kuningmen" or "Tugan kuningizben"As there are many Russian speaking people in Kazakhstan you might say "Zdnyem razhdeniya" in Russian.
That is the correct spelling of "allowed" (permitted). The homophone "aloud" refers to speaking ("He read the excerpt aloud.")
Its along the border that separates Europe from Asia. The Caucasus & Ural Mountains which are the borders that separate Europe from Asia are nearly due south of Moscow. So it depends upon who you're speaking with. If you were speaking with a WWII German soldier he'd say a Russian is an Asian, and therefore not an Aryan race. Which is why the Russian Front was so brutal; the Germans tried to exterminate the Russians, and for pay back, the Russian gave the Germans no quarter (no mercy). If you're speaking with today's tourist, they'll most likely say they're Europeans.
When a character in a play is thinking aloud this is known as a soliloquy. See Shakespeare's Hamlet: "to be, or not to be..."
The best way to learn Russian online is to find a professional Russian tutor who is a Russian native speaker and who lives in an English speaking country. The other way is to find some free Russian language related sites (for example,, and get some kind of a tutorial.AnswerIts actually easy...!!! Im russian but i was not born in russia. I know only some words. I don't know how to change keyboard letters but For example if you want to say, hi, say, Privet. If you want to say, i love you, say, Ya teba lublu. Its actually a beautiful language! Plus if you hear our russian songs you may not know the words but it is beautifulAnswerYou can learn to speak Russian by taking a class in speaking Russian or by purchasing a computer program in speaking Russian. I did much better in the class than with the computer program but I understand computer programs have been greatly improved.AnswerA number of websites offer online tutoring in speaking Russian. It is also possible to purchase tutoring materials on DVD and in audio form. To learn to speak a language it is important to listen to it being spoken by native speakers so an opportunity to converse with Russian people is a very good way to develop pronunciation skills.
I like Girls aloud because - J'aime Girls aloud parce que
Depends on how you want to use either of them, usually though, aloud is used.