"Zamknij się" pronouced as "Zamkny she"
You can say "I am Hawaiian" in Hawaiian as "ʻO wau he Hawaiʻi."
You can say Michelle in Hawaiian as "Mikinale."
In Hawaiian, you say "bracelet" as "hulikoa."
How do you say hello to a man in Hawaiian
When people say "shutup", they are actually joking. People say it to be funny when they disagree about something. It sounds rude, but not. They laugh with you when they say "shutup."
shutup you dumbbum
Because we say it wrong it is suppose to be pronounced ANSWER. ok! =D shutup whateve just shutup
You simply say it, or if you want to be a little nicer say be quiet.
Devinn cállate
shutup Wu chun
Tace! (singular); Tacete! (plural)
cietay (guy-eh-thay)
You say blah blah shut up blah blah