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Foci is the plural form of the singular noun focus.

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9mo ago

The plural of "focus" is "foci." It is pronounced as "foh-sahy."

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What is the english plural word for the word focus?

focuses or foci

Every ellipse has two of what?

Foci (correct plural of focus)

What is the difference between a focus and a foci?

"Focus" is the singular form of the word, referring to the center of interest or activity. "Foci" is the plural form, used when there are multiple points of focus or centers of interest.

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Focus. (foci is the plural form)

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How many plural forms does focus have?

The word "focus" has a single plural form, which is "focuses."

What is the plural form for emphasis?

The plural form of "focus" is foci, or the English plural focuses.Latin words in which the singular ends in -us are typically pluralized by dropping the -us and adding an "i".Examples include "stimuli" for stimulus, and "rhombi" for "rhombus."---Foci and focuses are both acceptable.(When used as a verb, "focuses" is the only acceptable form for the third person singular.)"Foci" is formed using the Latin rule for plurals. It may seem more erudite in written communication, but in spoken form (foe-sigh) most people will not recognize the word. "Focuses" is a bit more awkward because of the multiple "s" sounds, but the general population is more likely to recognize it. If you are doing professional or scholastic writing, you should refer to your organization's style manual for the preferred form.

Nouns ending in -us with plural era?

Some examples of nouns ending in -us that have plural forms ending in -era include "cactus" (plural: cacti), "focus" (plural: foci), and "syllabus" (plural: syllabi).

What is the focus of a hyperbola?

The foci (plural of focus, pronounced foh-sigh) are the two points that define a hyperbola: the figure is defined as the set of all points that is a fixed difference of distances from the two points, or foci.

What is the two central points of an ellipse?

The two central points of an ellipse are officially known as the foci (plural of focus).

Foci in right lung what does that mean?

foci is plural for focus. this would be a very small group of cells. The foci would indicate more than one group of cells. Whether the foci is malignant or has metastazied from another area, the writer did not indicate. I recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and the pathology report stated two foci of micrometastasis meaning there were a few malignant cells in the node. I hope this helps you. Be sure to ask your doctor to explain this in plain English to you. Pat

How many foci does the graph of a hyperbola have?

Two foci's are found on a hyperbola graph.