"French duck liver" in French is "foie gras de canard français."
Duck in French is spelled "canard."
You would say "petits points" in French.
"Petite tête" is how you say "little head" in French.
You can say "mon petit homme" in French to mean "my little man".
a little duck is 'un petit canard' in French. The name for a duckling is 'un caneton' (masc.)
"Vous êtes un canard" means you are a duck (canary is canari).
"French duck liver" in French is "foie gras de canard français."
Graisse de canard
Duck in French is spelled "canard."
esquiver i think and for future references go on English to French translation.
un canard avec des bulles
You would say "petits points" in French.
Raviolis de foie de canard.
a duck is 'un canard' (masc.) in French
Donald duck is called 'Donald' or 'Donald duck' in French.