To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
"Ouch" in French is "Aïe".
You can say "we will" in French by using the phrase "nous allons."
"Quand" is how you say "when" in French.
les sciences humainesle sciences socials= social studies. How I know is from my french teacher, and my french textbook!
Cultural studies in French would be Les études culturelles.
études informatiques
d'autres études
des études modernes
études de thai
'le pentathlon moderne'
French Studies was created in 1947.
Modern translated into French is: modernes. To use in a sentence, e.g. la maison était très moderne (The house is very modern)
"c'est une ville moderne"
Modern Fiction Studies was created in 1955.