In Yiddish, "mother" is pronounced as "mame" (ืืึทืืข).
In Yiddish, you can say, "Du bist mayn libe."
In Yiddish, "we love you" is said as "Mir hoben dikh lib".
You can say "Ikh lib mayn kleyne shvester" in Yiddish to express "I love my little sister."
"ืืื ืืืึฟ ืืื" (ikh hob dikh) is how you say "I love you" in Yiddish.
In Yiddish, "mother" is pronounced as "mame" (ืืึทืืข).
In Yiddish, you can say, "Du bist mayn libe."
In Yiddish, "we love you" is said as "Mir hoben dikh lib".
You can say "Ikh lib mayn kleyne shvester" in Yiddish to express "I love my little sister."
"ืืื ืืืึฟ ืืื" (ikh hob dikh) is how you say "I love you" in Yiddish.
emesdige leeb
The Yiddish slang for mother is "mameleh" or "mamaleh."
The Yiddish word for mother is "mame" (ืืึทืืข).
I say "Ich LEEB dich." or "Ich hawb dich LEEB." (Literally, "I have [to] you love".) Straight from German.
The Yiddish word for love is "libe."
In Yiddish, "love" is often translated as "libe" (ืืืืข).
The translation of 'love' into Yiddish is 'libe' (ืืืืข).