Well, honey, in Aramaic, the word for "life" is "חיי" (pronounced "chai"). So, if you want to add a little flair to your vocabulary, there you go!
The phrase "I am the way, the truth, and the life" in Aramaic is "Ana hu derta, emet, uchayye."
You can say friend in Aramaic using the word "re'aya."
In Aramaic, you can say "בתוקו" which translates to "in conflict."
To say "get out" in Aramaic, you would say "יָצֵא" (yatsay).
In Aramaic, you would say "Yeshua akhwoonakh ayeebokh."
The phrase "I am the way, the truth, and the life" in Aramaic is "Ana hu derta, emet, uchayye."
You can say friend in Aramaic using the word "re'aya."
In Aramaic, you can say "בתוקו" which translates to "in conflict."
how do you say i love Jesus in Aramaic
To say "get out" in Aramaic, you would say "יָצֵא" (yatsay).
I = ana (אנא)There is no Aramaic word for "is"
In Aramaic, you would say "Yeshua akhwoonakh ayeebokh."
James in Aramaic is Ya'akov (יעקוב)
Trust in Aramaic is ܐܵܡܵܡܵܠܼܵܟܵܐ (Emmalka).
"In the Lord" in Aramaic can be translated as "b'maran."
In Aramaic, grandmother is "סָבְתָא" (sawtā).
סברא (Sabra) hope in Aramaic