The correct is to say "stay well", which means in Portuguese language: Permaneça bem, conserve-se bem, mantenha-se bem. (they are equivalent phrases)
In Brazilian Portuguese, you can say "bom dia" to greet someone in the morning.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Porta-te bem" - informal portugal's portuguese "Porte-se bem" Formal portugal's portuguese / Brazilian portuguese
In Portuguese, you say "hi" as "oi" or "olá".
In Portuguese, you say "delicioso" to mean delicious.
In Brazilian Portuguese, you can say "bom dia" to greet someone in the morning.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Porta-te bem" - informal portugal's portuguese "Porte-se bem" Formal portugal's portuguese / Brazilian portuguese
In Portuguese, you say "hi" as "oi" or "olá".
In Portuguese, you say "delicioso" to mean delicious.
Escravo Português
you should say "translation into" another language.
tu in portuguese
You can say "Eu estou bem" in Portuguese to express "I am good."
In Brazilian Portuguese, you say "Olá" to greet someone.
In Portuguese, you can say "adeus" or "tchau" to say "goodbye."