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Ses yeux sont marron - il/elle a des yeux marron (son, sa, ses are used according to object possessed not according to who owns it/them) - here the eyes are plural - NB the adjective marron is 'invariable'.

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4mo ago

You would say "Ses yeux sont marron" in French to indicate that his or her eyes are brown. "Ses" is correct for his or her in this context.

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Q: How do you say his or her eyes are brown in french ses means his or her i think?
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"and brown eyes" = "et des yeux marrons"

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French and European folks have dark brown eyes.

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it means he might think they are beautiful and want to go out with you or likes you

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No. Those in the north and east can have blue eyes.

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Il a des yeux brun. English translation: he has brown eyes.

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Brown. I think

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he has blue eyes i think but i think he uses contacts sometimes. but they could always be brown. he has blue eyes i think but i think he uses contacts sometimes. but they could always be brown.

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Brown eyes. I think?