Yes, "en quelle langue" is the correct way to say "In what language" in French.
In French, "with" is typically translated as "avec."
You can say "langage secret" in French.
In French, "morning" is said as "matin".
"King" in French is "roi."
Comment dit-on ...?
Yes, "en quelle langue" is the correct way to say "In what language" in French.
To say the word beard in the French language you say barbe. This word is said as barba in the Italian language and in Latin it is mentum.
comment dire language
"Französisch Sprache."
In French, "with" is typically translated as "avec."
la langue de la langue françaiseIn English we do not say "the language of French." We say the "language of France," or the "French language." La langue française, in either case.
You can say "langage secret" in French.
To say the words more touch in the French language you say plus tactile.