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I wanted to kiss you = Gostaria de beijá-la(o) = Gostaria de beijar você.

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8mo ago

You can say "Eu queria te beijar" in Portuguese.

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Q: How do you say I wanted to kiss you in Portuguese?
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How do you you say big kiss in Portuguese?

To say "big kiss" in Portuguese, you would say "beijão".

How do you say i want a kiss in Portuguese?

To say "I want a kiss" in Portuguese, you can say "Eu quero um beijo."

How do you say give me a kiss in Brazilian portuguese?

The phrase "give me a kiss" in Brazilian Portuguese is "me dê um beijo".

How do you say a kiss in Brazilian Portuguese?

Um beijo.Um beijo.

How do you say i want to kiss you in Portuguese?

you would say 'eu quero te beijar'

How do yo say you wanted to say in portuguese?

Você queria dizer

How do you say in portuguese Just wanted to say hello?

In Portuguese, it would be "Só queria dizer olá."

How do you say in Portuguese i want to kiss those lips of yours?

Quero beijar esses lábios seus

How do you let your guy frnd know that you want him to kiss you?

Try and kiss them or simply say I wouldn't turn away if you tried or wanted to kiss me.

John called up saying he wanted to go if he wanted to go then kiss him there and then.?

say ok then meet you there

If a guy said that he wanted to kiss with you what would you say?

It depends who it is. If it was my boyfriend then I would definetly say yes!

What is the perfect way to kiss?

i think the perfect way to kiss is by letting the man know that you want to kiss him first and then kiss him if he wants to or let him kiss you and if you don't know if he wants to kiss you then just say that my friend wanted to know if you wanted to kiss me or some excuse like that ok.. that is just my advice OK you don't have to take it if you don't want to