You would say "onze heures dix" in French to indicate 10 past 11.
In French, you can say "45 minutes après" to mean 45 minutes past the hour.
You can say "j'ai onze ans" in French to mean "I am 11 years old".
In the morning, onze heures vingt. In the evening, vingt-treize heures.
La classe de premièreYear Twelve is la classe de Terminale
J'ai onze ans. It literally translates to "I have 11 years." If you're trying to say you have a eleven-year-old daughter, you can say: J'ai une fille de onze ans.
In French, you can say "45 minutes après" to mean 45 minutes past the hour.
10 minutes after 11
You can say "j'ai onze ans" in French to mean "I am 11 years old".
Hollis French was born on 1958-10-11.
A French Mistress was created on 1961-11-10.
J'ai 11 ans.
11: onze 100: cent
Elle a onze ans.
In the morning, onze heures vingt. In the evening, vingt-treize heures.
The Answer is: 40 minutes. lol
Il est onze heure. (Its 11 o'clock.) You can't really say just 11 o'clock...
hehe smelly