You say it the same as in English, only you make sure to pronounced the ending E and R separately, as you would be saying "TERrabyte". If you want to write it in Russian, you write Питер.
In a conversation, do you prefer to say "yeah no" or "no yeah"?
To say "no" in Russian, you can say "нет" (pronounced as "nyet").
The word "black" in Russian is "чёрный" (chyorniy).
"Enough" in Russian is "достаточно" (pronounced dostatochno).
привести к смерти this is it in Russian text. Not sure how to say it
Yeah, you sure can.
Yeah, sure whatever ou say...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the grand duchess, Anastasia had red hair, though I'm not sure about her sisters. I know she used to have strawberry blonde hair, but I'm pretty sure it turned red, because everyone says it was red, although you can't tell from pictures, because they're black and white. But I would say Russian people can have red hair.
Yes, sure, alright, yeah or ok.
Yes, sure, alright, yeah or ok.
Uhhhhhh... I guess you can say so. Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
You say it the same as in English, only you make sure to pronounced the ending E and R separately, as you would be saying "TERrabyte". If you want to write it in Russian, you write Питер.
To say sweetheart in Russian you say dorogaya. To say I love you in Russian you would say, Ya lyublyu tebya.
this how you say animal in Russian животное
How do you say "Dylan Smith" in Russian?
Джиттербаг is how you say jitterbug in Russian