elle étudie le français - elle suit des cours de français - elle apprend le français
To say "I am studying" in French, you would say "Je suis en train d'étudier."
You can say "Je n'aime pas étudier" in French to express that you don't like studying.
You would say "Are you still studying?" in English.
You can say "আমি পড়ে আছি" (ami pore achi) in Bengali, which translates to "I'm studying".
To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
To say "I am studying" in French, you would say "Je suis en train d'étudier."
J'étudie le droit
You can say "Je n'aime pas étudier" in French to express that you don't like studying.
Etude heureuse
why are you studying is translated "pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies / pourquoi étudies-tu" in French
j'étudie dans cette classe
vous coucher avec moi? Its definitley right as I'm a Harvard student studying french
J'étudie un degré de commercialisation.
I'm studying French: J'étudie le français to study: étudier
The malayalam word for studying is "Padikkunnu"
You would say "Are you still studying?" in English.