John played a prank on Ms Ada. Frowning with anger, Ms Ada said, "GET OUT OF MY CLASS".
Yes, you can start a sentence with "if" to introduce a conditional clause. For example, "If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors."
The sound of the whistle signaled the start of the track race.
When a sentence is enclosed in parentheses, you typically do not need to capitalize the first word unless it is a proper noun or the start of a new sentence within the parentheses.
Yes, if the sentence following the question mark and closing speech marks is the start of a new sentence.
She used a loom to weave a beautiful tapestry.
She seethed with anger.
You will be locked away in prison indefinitely if you do not learn to control your anger.
A capital letter
when you put the word 'cholera' in the beginning of the sentence, like: Cholera is a disease.
I initiated a conversation. (Initiate means to start.)
It's not considered politic to anger a congressman or senator, and one should be circumspect when approaching those in positions of power.
They are faces with emotes, like a smiley face or a blue,frowning face, and you put them in your text messages or emails.
uhhhmmm...well, you start off with a capital letter to start your sentence, then you have to put BEWILDERMENT somewhere inside that sentence, and of course you have to make it sound reasonable.and that's how you use bewilderment in a sentence.(:
I'm not trying to start a religious movement, here.
Yes, you can start a sentence with "if" to introduce a conditional clause. For example, "If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors."
No reason why not - if writing a sentence you may put a comma after the word. 'Generally, it does not take much time'
How do you write an essay without knowing how to write a sentence?... you start by saying "I hypothesized that.....(BLAH BLAH BLAH)."