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Viscacha is pronounced as "vis-kah-chuh." The emphasis is on the second syllable.

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When was Viscacha rat created?

Viscacha rat was created in 1920.

When was Plains Viscacha Rat created?

Plains Viscacha Rat was created in 1941.

Where can you buy a viscacha?

The Viscacha is related to the chinchilla which is found in many pet stores and may be a better choice. If you have a strong desire to purchase a Viscacha a trip to south america might be needed, because you would only be able to get it from residents or hunters of areas where they live.

What is the average life span of a viscacha?

20 years

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What do viscacha eat?

Mountain viscachas are reputed to eat just about any plant they encounter. Their diet is principally composed of grasses, mosses and lichens.

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How do you pronounce the name ceja?

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alpha. buddha. chicha. dacha. geisha. hypha. jinrikisha. mentha. mocha. naphtha. panoc ha. piranha. ricksha. sheikha. shisha. tanekaha. typha. viscacha.