je vois - tu voisthere is no accent on any form of the verb 'voir'
"Quand est-ce que je peux te voir?"
It means "I see that you are learning French" in English.
It depends if you want to use "tu" or "vous" in French. for "tu" for example, one person who is a friend of yours : Vois-tu ce que je veux dire ? or Tu vois ce que je veux dire ? for "vous" several persons or a person you need to be more distant and polite with ; your boss, your teacher, a policeman ... etc Voyez-vous ce que je veux dire ? or Vous voyez ce que je veux dire ? In each case, the second version is more informal but more used in everyday life in France.
"Je vou" does not have a meaning in French. It might be a typo or an incomplete phrase. If you meant to say "je vous," it translates to "I you" and is used to address someone in a formal or plural way.
"je te vois" or "je vous vois"
ce que je vois > what I'm seeing ce que je vous dois > what I am owing you je vous vois > I see you ce que je vous vois > ?? (not a correct phrase)
je vois in English means I see. A website to check out for help is
Je vois mal / je ne vois pas bien
"Je vois une etoile" means "I see a star" in English.
Je vois (present tense) J'ai vu (paste tense)
In French, you would say "Je vois un chat."
je vois - tu voisthere is no accent on any form of the verb 'voir'
Je te vois en cours demain. -- (I'll) See you in class tomorrow.
je vois le Père Noël means I see Santa Klaus in French.
Quand je vois le soleil - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Japan:R-15
"je te vois lundi" or even simpler "Ã lundi"