The Hawaiian native pronounciation would be similar to English : "hoo-moo/hoo-moo/noo-koo/noo-koo/ah-poo-uh-ah".
This is the Hawaiian word for the native "reef triggerfish", and the title of a song (Humu Humu or Humuhumunukunukua'Pua'A ) that appears in the movie "High School Musical 2" (2007).
pronounce it as "eat" girl
"Pronounce it as 'chow'."
pronounce trencadis
"La-hoat" is how you would pronounce "Lahote."
The antonym for mispronounce is pronounce correctly.
a hawaiian fish.
The Humuhumunukunukuapua`a is the Hawai'ian state fish. Do not know that anyone has counted how many there are. It is also an informal test of your ability to pronounce Hawai'ian words. Please note that the paired A's at the end are separated by an 'Okina- a Polynesian punctuation mark that indicates each letter gets full pronunciation.
The Reef Triggerfish is Hawaii's state fish. This fish also goes by the name Humuhumunukunukuapua`a and is an incredibly colorful fish.
=Humuhumunukunukuapua`a - Hawaiian Trigger Fish =
The Hawaiian monk seal, Llio holo kai, Humuhumunukunukuapua, Kikakapu, Nene, Pueo, Noio, and Ulae are all native mammals, fish, birds and insects to Hawaii.
een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)
You pronounce maui mow-E
You pronounce it like this "Say ha" that is how you pronounce Ceja.
You pronounce it as Page.
pronounce it as freez.
You pronounce it gorge
Brin is how you pronounce it