

How do you pronounce Nyanya?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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Nyanya is pronounced as "nyah-nyah".

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She is called NyanyaCLARIFICATION: There is no distinction in Swahili between maternal and paternal grandparent. Both grandmothers are bibi or nyanya. In fact, all members of the grandparents' generation are grandfather (babu) and grandmother (bibi) to the grandchild. If you need to make the distinction, say mama wa baba (father'smother) or mama wa mama (mother's mother)Nyanya is the historic word for grandmother but, at least in Tanzania, has been entirely replaced by the word bibi. Bibi is used by people of all ages, though older ones would recognize nyanya. People of middle-age and less would not even recognize the word nyanya in this sense (it also means tomato) and would think you were making a possibly offensive joke if you used it.TO ADDRESS HER: Her children-in-law would call her Mama(Shikamoo,, Mama) All the grandchildren would address her as Bibi (Shikamoo, Bibi). Shikamoo is a shortened form of Nashika miguu yako (I clasp your feet), a special greeting of respect for all people older or of higher status than the speaker. However, few Swahili-speakers actually realize that's the basic meaning of the greeting.)